
Convent Events

How & where

Corbaiola Ethological Park

CSE & Ethoikos

Four lessons on behavioural statistics:
how the hell can these data be analysed?
24-25 April 2010
Radicondoli (Siena) Convento dell'Osservanza

Lecturer: Alessandro Giuliani



During the course real studies will be analyzed; those participants who would like to take part in the discussions with their own data are requested to prepare a simulated version.

The registration form will be sent after the receipt of your reservation at

Accomodation, bus, train, roadmaps


This course takes a closer look into the evaluation and elaboration of ethological and ecological research data through the most proper statistical analyses applied to the study of behaviour. The course is suitable for undergraduates and graduates students.

Cost of the course: 50,00 Euro, including lunch. Lessons will start at 9:30 am and end at 5:30 pm.

Registration deadline: 15 March 2010. Max. number of participants: 15. Participants will be considered on a first come first serve basis.

other courses: Water life - The world of birds

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