
Us Foundation


Research Education Divulgation Photo-Video

Corbaiola research station


The Fondazione Ethoikos offers science education to students at secondary school level, mainly focusing on ecology and the environment. Since 2010, Ethoikos collaborates with the local school Scuola Arnolfo di Cambio, engaging students and their teachers in field and laboratory activities. The aim of these activities, based at the Corbaiola Etho-Ecological Field Station, is to familiarise school children with different fields of biology, stimulate their curiosity and taste for exploration, and inspire them to value and respect the environment.

Science education units
SCIENCE EDUCATION UNIT 1: biological indicators of soil quality (secondary and high school level). Application of the Soil Biological Quality Index (QBS-ar) to evaluate soil biological quality. Field sampling activities in different environments, and study of the mesofauna in soil samples, in a temporary laboratory set-up in the school premises.
Please send us some feedback on your experiences and results at: info@ethoikos.it

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